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  2. Ecommerce
  3. Setting up shipping and delivery

Offer free shipping over a certain order amount

Learn how to set up free shipping if an order value is above a certain value

Set up free shipping conditions

To set up free shipping over a certain cart value, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to your professional account on ArchiPro
  2. Click the Profile icon in the top right menu
  3. Click on your Professional name
  4. Click Ecommerce in left menu
  5. Click Shipping settings in left menu
  6. Scroll down and open the Free shipping conditions field
  7. Select the tick box to "Offer free shipping if the order value is above a certain amount."
  8. Enter the Minimum cart value (e.g. $100)

When a customer purchases over the minimum cart value, free shipping will be automatically applied to all shipping methods unless disabled in the shipping method settings.

Disable free shipping conditions on shipping methods

If you do not wish for this free shipping condition to be applied to all shipping methods, follow these steps to disable it per shipping method.

  1. Open the Shipping profiles
  2. Click the Edit pencil icon on the applicable shipping profile
  3. Click toggle to disable 'Offer free shipping for orders above $x'
  4. Click Save & Close