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  2. Ecommerce
  3. Setting up shipping and delivery

Setting up shipping zones and profiles

Learn how to define shipping zones and add shipping profiles to your ArchiPro Ecommerce store

You need to set up shipping zones and shipping profiles in your settings. Once set up, a shipping profile needs to be allocated to each product, variant or sample.
A shipping zone can be set up by radius or postcode. The shipping profiles can be set up so you can use different rates per shipping zone. 

Accessing shipping settings

To start adding shipping profiles, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to your professional account on ArchiPro
  2. Click the Profile icon in the top right menu
  3. Click on your Professional name
  4. Click Ecommerce in the left menu
  5. Click Shipping settings in the left menu

Shipping Zones

You can set up shipping zones by postcode or by radius.

Shipping Zones by Postcode

You can use postcode-based shipping zones when you only want to ship to certain postcodes, exclude individual postcodes from shipping or set up different shipping costs based on different postcodes.
A postcode-based shipping zone represents a collection of postcodes that relate to different regions (NZ); or states and districts (AU). 

To set up a shipping zone by postcode, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add zone
  2. Insert your shipping zone name, e.g. North Island so you can identify the zone. Customers won't see this name as it is for internal reference only.
  3. Select all the regions or states that should be included in the defined shipping zone.
  4. If applicable, exclude postcodes that you don't want to ship to within this shipping zone. 
  5. Click Save & Close

Shipping Zones by Radius

You can use radius-based shipping zones when you only want to ship products to destinations within a certain radius from your dispatch locations.

To set up a shipping zone by radius, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Add zone
  2. Insert your shipping zone name, e.g. 30km from AKL Warehouse so you can identify the zone. Customers won't see this name as it is for internal reference only.
  3. Define the zone by radius by choosing the Radius option
  4. Choose the dispatch location from your list of existing locations. Make sure that the location is enabled for dispatch by using the toggle next to it. You have the option to add a new location or manage your existing ones.
  5. Specify the desired radius in kilometres for the selected location.
  6. Click Save & Close

Shipping Profiles

To set up a shipping profile, follow these steps:

  1. Click +Add profile
  2. Enter Shipping profile name. Customers won't see this name, as it is for internal reference only.
  3. Select whether the shipping will be charged Per order or Per item
  4. Enter Method name. Customers will see this name during checkout. You can add up to three methods per Shipping profile.
  5. Enter Delivery estimate timeframe
  6. Select the zone and rate type
  7. Input the shipping fees
  8. Click Save & Close

Learn more about the different rate types here.