ArchiPro’s Home Design Evening Sydney 2024 - FAQs

This document outlines frequently asked exhibitor questions.

    1. Where can I access important exhibitor information?
    2. What time can we start pack-in?
    3. What time can we start pack-out after the event?
    4. Why am I not allowed to bring pull up banners or hand out flyers at my stand?
    5. I would like to hire additional items from your AV supplier and/or would like to hang things above my stand. Who can I contact for a quote?
    6. Why do you need my logo in vector, EPS or Ai format?
    7. What size is my stand?
    8. How does it work? How do you measure out the stand size on the day? 
    9. I will have open flames, how do I obtain a hot work permit?
    10. How and when do I get my electrical cords tested?
    11. When will the floor plan come out?
    12. How many goodie bags will you have and where can I download he delivery label?
    13. Why am I not allowed to put a paper brochure in the goodie bag?
    14. How many homeowners do you expect to attend?
    15. Who are the other exhibitors?
    16. How does the lead scanning app work?
    17. What are the benefits of the lead scanning app?
    18. What is the venue address?
    19. What is the dress code?
    20. How many staff tickets do I receive and what can they be used for?
    21. Can I purchase additional staff tickets?
    22. Can product suppliers come to the event as an attendee?
    23. Can professionals attend the event?
    24. Why are attendees vetted?
    25. Is there the opportunity to do a giveaway?

    1. Where can I access important exhibitor information?

    All important exhibitor information can be found in the Home Design Evening knowledge base here

    2. What time can we start pack-in?

    For product supplier exhibitors, there are three pack-in slots to choose from:

    • 9.00am - 11.00am
    • 11.00am - 1.00pm
    • 1.00pm - 3.00pm

    For professional exhibitors, you may arrive anytime, however, as your pod will be fully setup with your screen with ArchiPro profile on display, there isn't much need to arrive before 3pm.

    For product suppliers, we ask that you indicate your preference when you complete the the details in your exhibitor portal. We will confirm if we are unable to give you your preferred slot ahead of the event, otherwise you can pack in during your indicated time slot. If you anticipate your pack-in lasting longer than two hours, please let the ArchiPro events team know on

    3. What time can we start pack-out after the event?

    You have the ability to pack out after the event has concluded and when attendees have left. This will be from around 09:30pm, and you must be out of the venue by 03:00am Saturday 9th November.

    4. Why am I not allowed to bring pull up banners or hand out flyers at my stand?

    We are passionate about the exhibition floor looking amazing and really adding to the attendee experience. Our intention for the evening is for all stands to look slick, well designed, and for all exhibitors to display their products for the audience to feel, touch, and experience.

    With this is mind, we find pull up banners detract from the attendee experience and result in a lack of engagement with the exhibition stand. Brochures that attendees can browse and return are fine, however, flyers which are handed out typically end up in the bin or on the exhibition floor when attendees are also carrying canapes and beverages, like they will be at The Home Design Evening. 

    5. I would like to hire additional items from ArchiPro's AV supplier and/or would like to hang things above my stand. Who can I contact for a quote?

    For product supplier exhibitors, if you would like to hire additional equipment for your stand, please explain what is required and get in touch with who will be able to direct you to our AV supplier.

    6. Why do you need my logo in vector, EPS or Ai format?

    All exhibitors have their logo printed in gold on a black exhibition pod. In order for the logos to look sleek and high quality, the printers require your logo in either vector, EPS or Ai format. We also use your logo to promote your presence on our event landing page. 

    7. What size is my stand?

    Depending on the package you purchased, the sizes are below. The below area size has to include your black exhibitor pod, if you request one.

    • Professional –  1m x 1m
    • Silver – 2m x 2m
    • Gold –  3m x 2m
    • Platinum –  4m x 2m
    • Platinum Bespoke – 6m x 6m 

    8. How does it work on the day? How do you measure out the stand size? 

    Before you access the venue we will place tape on the floor outlining your area and we will place the black exhibitor pod with your logo in your area. Once you have packed in your stand, we will remove the tape.

    9. I would like to have open flames, how do I obtain a hot work permit?

    For product supplier exhibitors, if you require open flames at your exhibition stand, please contact and provide the below detail:

    1. Model of product (aka fireplace or cooktop).
    2. Detail around how the gas is connected to the product.
    3. What gas is being used.
    4. Where and how is the gas being stored (aka on your stand in X type of bottle)

    Please note, open flames are at the discretion of the venue.

    10. Why do I have to get my electrical cords tested?

    It is a venue health and safety requirement to have all equipment brought into the venue tag tested ahead of the event.

    All electrical items that you bring into the venue and are used at your stand (i.e. laptops, screens, iPad / tablets) need to be tag tested prior to the event with each item displaying a tag with date tested. This is the exhibitors responsibility – ArchiPro and the venue will be checking and will reject any non-compliant items.

    11. When will the floor plan come out?

    The floor plan will be released a few days prior to the event.

    12. How many goodie bags will you have?

    We produce 300 goodie bags for each homeowner project. We will request more details about what you might like to include in the goodie bag closer to the time.

    13. Why am I not allowed to put a paper brochure in the goodie bag?

    We are conscious that brochures are heavy and the combined weight has caused the goodie bags to break in the past. You are welcome to add any of the following: 

    • Product sample 
    • Any small branded items (e.g a branded screwdriver, branded bottle opener, other branded gift) 
    • Brochures on USB 

    We ask that you confirm your goodie bag item with the events team, prior to its production, and omit brochures.

    14. How many homeowners and professionals do you expect to attend?

    We expect over 600 pre-qualified homeowners to attend The Home Design Evening Sydney.

    15. Who are the other exhibitors?
    You can view all other exhibitors on The Home Design Evening landing page here.

    16. How does the lead scanning app work?

    The exhibitor lead scanning app is designed to capture attendee information such as name, email address, project stage, budget etc.

    1. We will send download instructions ahead of the event. Please download the app and log in before the event.
    2. When you are speaking to a potential lead, scan the QR code on the attendee's lanyard to collect their details. 
    3. You will be able to download details of anyone you have scanned at the end of the event.

    Full instructions and training will be provided to all exhibitors before the event. 

    17. What are the benefits of the lead scanning app?

    All homeowners who attend The Home Design Evening are thoroughly vetted and are completing a build or significant renovation project. They must complete information such as where their project is located, their budget, whether they are building or renovating, the current stage of their project, their project size, and reason for attendance. This app allows exhibitors to capture this information in a seamless, efficient and effective way, to allow for a prompt post-event follow up.

    18. What is the venue address?

    Carriageworks – Bay 25 is located at 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015. See map here.

    19. What is the dress code?

    The dress code is smart casual.

    20. How many staff tickets do I receive and what can they be used for?

    The number of tickets you receive depends on the exhibitor package you purchased. The different packages and corresponding ticket quantities are listed below. 

    • Professional – 4 staff tickets
    • Silver – 4 staff tickets
    • Gold – 6 staff tickets
    • Platinum – 8 staff tickets
    • Platinum Bespoke – 10 staff tickets

    Please note these tickets are only intended to be given to staff who will be on your stand and can speak to homeowners and professionals about your products or services. We will be requesting all staff names and emails for your tickets.

    If you have leftover staff tickets they cannot be given away. As our event is vetted to ensure quality attendees and leads, we ask that anyone that wishes to attend please register here as a homeowner or professional attendee.

    21. Can I purchase additional staff tickets? 

    You can purchase additional tickets for staff who will be on your stand. These cost $75 each. Please email who can assist you with this.

    22. Can product suppliers come to the event as an attendee?

    No. A product supplier can only attend if they are exhibiting. Product suppliers can register to exhibit here.

    23. Can professionals attend the event?

    Yes, if a professional is an ArchiPro client with an active profile, they can either purchase a stand to display their work on a screen or attend as a professional visitor to engage with product suppliers. Professionals have the option to either register as exhibitors or attendees. here.

    24. Why are attendees vetted?

    To ensure we have valuable leads in the room for exhibitors. Our vetting process ensures attendees are building or renovating with a high budget and that they are genuinely building an architecturally designed house. Or if they're a professional, that they're genuinely in the industry and a client of ArchiPro.

    25. Is there the opportunity to do a giveaway?

    Yes, we will be running a giveaway at the event. The prize value need to be upwards of $1,000.

    Please email the below criteria to

    Exhibitor Name

    Prize Title:

    Contact Person


    Prize Description: Describe the prize being offered. Include details such as its value, features, and any conditions or restrictions that apply. (Maximum 100 words)

    Clarity for Participants: Expiry dates provide clear expectations for participants regarding when they can expect to use or claim their prize. This prevents misunderstandings or disappointment if a prize becomes unavailable after a certain period.

    Logistical Considerations: Details such as how the prize will be delivered or collected, any geographic restrictions, and documentation requirements ensure that logistical arrangements can be made smoothly once a winner is selected.

    Image of prize: 


    For any other questions please contact the ArchiPro Events team on