ArchiPro’s Home Design Evening Sydney 2024 - Carriageworks Venue Details

This article will provide you with information about the venue you are exhibiting in, and will help you to plan the pack-in and pack-out of your stand.

1. Venue Access & Information For Deliveries

Address: Carriageworks – Bay 25, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015 (map)

  • Prior notice and a list of all deliveries is to be sent to ArchiPro's event manager no less than 72 hours prior to the arrival of your delivery:
  • Delivery drivers and couriers must comply with all posted or verbally enforced speed restrictions and directives of Carriageworks staff, contractors or appointed representatives.
  • The loading dock area is strictly a drop off zone. Once you have unpacked your items into the loading dock you will need to remove your vehicle from the loading dock immediately.
    • Limited on-site parking is available at the end of Carriageworks Way. Enter via 229 Wilson Street (map). We highly encourage you to move your vehicle away from the parks surrounding the loading dock area to ensure adequate access for others needing to pack-in/ out. There is also a mixture of timed and all-day on-street parking within the radius of the venue.
    • If you are not arriving by private vehicle, we recommend you utilise the following public transport options:
      • Bus: routes 422, 423, 426, 428, 370, 352 stop on City Road at Codrington Street, a five minute walk from Carriageworks.
      • Train: Walk eight minutes from Redfern Station, ten minutes from Macdonaldtown Station or 15 minutes from Newtown Station.
      • Bike: There are bike lanes on nearby streets and bike racks within the Carriageworks precinct.
      • Ride-share: Enter via 229 Wilson Street (map)

Loading dock access mapScreen Shot 2022-12-15 at 10.53.29 am

2. Transfer and storage of items

Deliveries may be made to the venue on event day between 7:00AM – 1:00PM on Friday, 8 November, 2024 and no storage fee will be charged. STRICTLY NO DELIVERIES will be accepted before 7:00AM or past 1:00PM.

Due to extremely limited storage space at Carriageworks, we highly recommend all deliveries are made the day of the event.

  • If you need storage outside of event times (before 7:00AM on Friday, 8 November or after Saturday, 9 November 03:00AM), this is at the discretion of Carriageworks and dependent on space availability and must be arranged with ArchiPro's event manager: If Carriageworks advises that space is available, a storage fee of $20 per sq. metre (or pallet) or part thereof per day will be charged by Carriageworks. If items are stored for longer than 7 days, Carriageworks will dispose of the items at a cost.
  • If any storage is required during the event this must be arranged with your event manager and will be entirely dependent on space availability. Please contact
  • Transfer and storage of all items is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Exhibitors must ensure that labour is supplied to move items to and from the loading docks and storage areas. Carriageworks or ArchiPro staff will not be responsible to move goods for you. For large items on pallets, bookings for the forklift are available between 7:00AM and 2:00PM on event day and can be made via your exhibitor portal or through ArchiPro's event manager:

3. Carriageworks Freight Forwarding Detail

Please refer to the freight forwarding guidelines below when shipping goods to and from Carriageworks.

Deliveries should be addressed to

ArchiPro's Home Design Evening
Carriageworks – Bay 25, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015

The following delivery notice is to be attached to ALL shipments arriving to Carriageworks so venue staff can identify deliveries and store them safely.

Download and fill delivery notice here.

Carriageworks charge $20 per sq. metre (or pallet), per day for storage fees, pending available space in their back of house area.

  • Contact your preferred freight company in advance to confirm timings and collect freight. Ensure they are organised to arrive with your organisations name and number of items to collect.
  • Please ensure you label your freight correctly for its return journey.
  • Unless storage is organised prior to the event, any items left after Saturday, 16 November at 10am will be treated as rubbish and disposed of accordingly (at the owners expense). Carriageworks or ArchiPro will not accept responsibility for any goods left on the premises after the event has concluded.

4. Venue Pack-in & Pack-out detail 

Pack-in and Pack-out detail

For all detail relating to the pack-in and pack-out of your stand please read this article.

Venue Display Rules 

Via your exhibitor portal please inform us;  

  • All use of gas cylinders or use of any naked flame/combustible items is on a case-by-case approval by Carriageworks. To submit a request please reach out to
  • If your stand exceeds 2.8m in height.
  • If you are planning to bring any heavy items (20 > kg) that need a forklift.

Other factors to consider.

Carriageworks is a heritage venue built in the late 1800s, which means there are strict guidelines that need to be adhered to, to ensure Carriageworks’ heritage assets are to be protected at all times.

  • Uneven flooring/surfaces are present in some areas of the venue (i.e trapdoors, floor grates, cracked concrete). Please ensure you watch where you are walking, and ensure all access equipment movements are conducted with a spotter.
  • As Carriageworks is a heritage venue, strictly no items (including gaffer/duct tape, pins, nails, staples, markers, blue-tac or other) may be affixed to any part of the venue. Gaffer tape cannot be used to secure cables either. Cable trays only please.
  • No venue items are to be touched or altered in any way by an exhibitor – please see ArchiPro's event manager if there is an item that needs attention. Fixtures marked with a red tag are heritage fixtures and must not be touched or altered in any way.
  • Exhibitors may not permanently mark, paint, drill or otherwise deface any part of the venue or make any alterations to the structure, fittings, decorations or furnishings of the venue. This includes the concrete flooring as it is unsealed.
  • Within the venue are 'barndoors' for load-in and attendee  – please note that these can only be opened and closed by Carriageworks' senior technician. Please see ArchiPro's event manager if these are needing to be opened or closed.

If there are any uncertainties regarding the venue and what can and cannot be done, please reach out to ArchiPro's event manager: any person or exhibitor fails to follow the above protocols and damage occurs, the person responsible will be held liable.

5. Exhibitor pack-in & pack-out additional information

Health & safety

  • Please feel free to ask if you are unsure about any aspect of the health and safety of the event or if you have a specific request or requirement. We will do our best to accommodate and assist where possible. 
  • Any exhibitor or support person shall ensure that all the necessary insurances and licenses are available and current to ensure that the safety and legality of any activity carried out within the venue is beyond question.
  • Any exhibitor or support person must ensure that their workspace is kept neat and tidy so as to avoid any trip hazards
  • All accidents, incidents or near misses are to be reported to ArchiPro's event manager immediately.
  • All internal aisle ways within your stand are to be a minimum of 1.5 meters wide.
  • Emergency exits must not be obstructed.
  • First Aid trained staff can be contacted via any of Carriageworks front of house and security staff.

A forklift will be on hand and operated exclusively by the designated driver. To schedule lifts with the forklift, you can book through your exhibitor portal or contact ArchiPro's event manager at

Fire egresses

All-access and exit ways must remain clear at all times, including during pack-in and pack-out.

A hot work permit will be required for anyone with a fireplace display or other fire devices.  

Exhibitors/contractors/sub-contractors requiring the use of naked flame or pyrotechnics must be approved in writing by Carriageworks.

All use of gas cylinders or use of any naked flame/combustible items is on a case-by-case approval by Carriageworks. To submit a request please reach out to and provide the below detail:

  1. Model of product (aka fireplace or cooktop).
  2. Detail around how the gas is connected to the product.
  3. What gas is being used.
  4. Where and how is the gas being stored (aka on your stand in X type of bottle)

Please note, open flames are at the discretion of the venue.

Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety

  • Every exhibitor/contractor/sub-contractor must comply with evacuation procedures and be familiar with emergency and evacuation procedures for the event. This will be covered in your induction prior to pack-in.
  • All exits and fire extinguishers at Carriageworks are clearly marked. Clear access to these exits and facilities must always be maintained. Absolutely no fire extinguishers are to be moved and poses a major safety risk.
  • In the event of an emergency please dial 000 immediately and then contact ArchiPro's event manager. ArchiPro will then contact Carriageworks to notify emergency services and ensure a coordinated venue-wide response.
  • Exhibitor/contractor/sub-contractor shall ensure that all fire hoses, fire extinguishers, EDR switches and manual call points remain visible and accessible at all times.

Electronic devices / tag testing

All electrical items that you bring into the venue and are used at your stand (i.e. laptops, screens, iPad / tablets) need to be tag tested prior to the event with each item displaying a tag with date tested. This is the exhibitors responsibility – ArchiPro and the venue will be checking and will reject any non-compliant items.

Event waste management

No provision has been made for exhibition packaging/waste. All packaging/waste will need to be removed by the exhibitors during pack-in and after the event. Please contact if you require packaging/waste removal services.

Pack in/ out protocol

  • You must wear covered shoes.
  • No children or pets are allowed on site.
  • You must provide and wear your own safety hi-vis vests.

Carriageworks will not allow anyone inside the building who is not following the above requirements. 


Please fill in the details in your exhibitor portal by Friday, 11 October, 2024 at the latest.

For any questions please check the FAQ page here or contact the ArchiPro Events team on