Learn what file types are accepted as 'Downloads' on your profile or products.
The full list of supported filetypes is:
3ds, ace, arc, arj, asf, au, avi, bim, bmp, bz2, cab, cad, cda, csv, dae, ddf, dem, dgn, dmg, doc, docx, dotx, dri, dwf, dwg,dxf, eps, fbx, flv, gbxmj, gif, gpx, gz, hqx, iam, ico, ifc, iges, igs, ipj, ipt, ivr, jpeg, jpg, jt, kml, kmz, m4a, m4v, mdb, mid, midi, mkv, mov, mp3, mp4, mpa, mpeg, mpg, nwc, nwd, nwf, obj, odbc, ogg, ogv, pages, pcx, pdf, pkg, png, potx, pps, ppt, pptx, prjv, prp, prw, psd, ra, ram, rfa, rm, rtf, rvm, rvt, sat, sit, sitx, skp, step, stl, stp, tar, tga, tgz, tif, tiff, txt, wav, webm, webp, wma, wmv, wrl, wrz, x_b, xls, xlsx, xltx, xsi, zip, zipx, html, gltf, glb, usdz, hdr.
You can add Downloads to your profile - learn more here.
You can also add Downloads to products and we recommend adding the download to the applicable section to be clearly labelled for users: