ArchiPro's Home Design Evening Sydney 2024 - Exhibitor Information

This article will provide you with important event information to assist you in filling out The Home Design Evening exhibitor portal.

1) Event details

2) Exhibitor timings

3) ArchiPro contacts

4) ArchiPro profile

5) Exhibitor Training

6) Ticketing and accreditation

7) Floor plan, your exhibition space & display rules

8) Exhibitor pack-in & pack-out information

9) Pack-in & pack-out time slots

10) Health, safety and other venue-related protocol

11) Exhibitor lead scanning app

12) Goodie bags

1) Event details


  • Event venue: Carriageworks – Bay 25
  • Address: 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015 (map)
  • Date: Friday, 8 November, 2024
  • Event time: 3pm - 9pm
  • Dress code: Smart Casual 

2) Important exhibitor timings 

  • 9.00am - 3.00pm: Allocated pack in times
  • 3.00pm - 3.30pm: All exhibitors to arrive for registration 
  • 3.30pm - 4.00pm: ArchiPro presentation (food for all exhibitors will be provided)
  • 4.00pm - 4.45pm: Networking, a chance for all exhibitors to get to know each other and introduce themselves
  • 5.00pm: Doors open for homeowners and professionals

Designated time slots for pack in and out can be found in section 9.

3) ArchiPro contacts

Zoe Crosland                    

Event Manager – ANZ

4) ArchiPro profile 

We highly recommend that your ArchiPro profile is up to date. Our team is more than happy to help with any changes. Please get in contact by emailing if you need assistance.

5) Exhibitor training

We will be holding virtual exhibitor training session on Thursday, 26 September, 2024, 10am AEST & 12pm NZST.

We understand that the evening is an investment for our clients so we want to ensure you really make the most out of this event. In this session our team will cover the following topics:

  1. Engaging at the event, including: having the right team on your exhibition stand, key homeowner qualification questions and tips around overall stand presentation including how to best present your ArchiPro profile and projects.
  2. Lead capture including: training on how to use the event app and ideas for engaging with homeowners on the night.
  3. Lead follow up: recommendations on next steps following the event, the best follow up timeframes and recommended email templates.

Please fill in the exhibitor portal by Friday, 11 October, 2024 at the latest. 

6) Ticketing & accreditation 

During the evening you and your team will be required to wear a lanyard with your name badge attached. These lanyards identify you as a product supplier or a professional. 

There is a limit on the number of staff that can attend based on the showcase package you have selected. This will show within the portal. 

Please complete the Exhibitor Tickets section of the Exhibitor Portal as this will generate tickets for you and your staff working at the event.

Your tickets are meant for staff who can speak to the homeowners about your service and/ or products.

Upon arrival at the event, you and your staff can simply scan your tickets at the registration desk to receive a lanyard.

7) Floor plan, your exhibition space & display rules

Carriageworks - Floor Plan

Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 10.47.42 am
Please note: Home Design Evening is held in Bay 25, which is located at the south-western end of the Carriageworks precinct.

Every exhibitor will receive:

  • Every exhibitor will receive:

    • 1 x 1060 x 560 x 970H black pod - with your logo in gold applied to the front. 
    • 1 x 10amp plug with a 4-way multi box for power
    • Space size - the size of your space is dependent on the package you have selected. This will also show within the Exhibitor portal under "Event Details"
    • A dedicated taped off space - (once you are packed in we will remove the tape)
    • Professionals Only - An HP screen to showcase your amazing projects on ArchiPro


If you do not require the black exhibitor pod, please let us know when you 

We carefully consider and allocate exhibitors' spaces based on their product, facilities required and surrounding exhibitors. 

The exhibition floor must look impeccable in order to enhance and elevate the attendee experience (and create a high-end experience). Our intention for the evening is for all stands to look slick, well designed, and for all exhibitors to display their products so that attendees can feel, touch, and experience them.

Product Suppliers: Please let us know if you prefer a wall space. For example, if your stand has a back wall it's better to be along the wall than in the middle of the space.  

Nothing can be leaned against or hung on or adhered to the venue wall; everything needs to be self-standing.

To ensure a premium look at the event no pull up banners are allowed. 

The more information you provide to us regarding your stand, the better we can position you on the night.

  • All use of gas cylinders or use of any naked flame/combustible items is on a case-by-case approval by Carriageworks (open flames are at the discretion of the venue). To submit a request please reach out to and provide the below detail:
    1. Model of product (aka fireplace or cooktop).
    2. Detail around how the gas is connected to the product.
    3. What gas is being used.
    4. Where and how is the gas being stored (aka on your stand in X type of bottle)
  • If your stand exceeds 2.8m in height.
  • If you are planning to bring any heavy items (20 > kg) that need a forklift.

8) Exhibitor pack-in & pack-out information

Exhibitor Access 

Access to Carriageworks has some restrictions therefore specific details of your requirements need to be discussed prior to the event with Archipro.

The organiser’s staff, contractors and sub-contractors must enter and exit venues via authorised entrances which are arranged through ArchiPro's event manager. All those entering the venue must wear a high-vis vest.

The organiser’s staff, agents, contractors and sub-contractors may at no time enter unauthorised restricted areas.

Freight Forwarding Guidelines and Delivery Detail

For all detail relating to the delivery and pick up of goods please read this article.

Storage on Site 

Storage is strictly limited. No items may be stored prior to 7am on Friday, 8 November (event day) or after 3am on Saturday, 9 November. If any storage is required during the event this must be arranged with your event manager and will be entirely dependent on space availability and charged at a cost by Carriageworks.

Transfer and storage of all items is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Exhibitors must ensure that labour is supplied to move large good items to and from the loading docks. ArchiPro and Carriageworks are not responsible for the movement of items.

Transfer and storage of items

For all detail relating to the transfer and storage of items onsite please read this article.

Use of Venue Trolleys and Pallet Jacks 

Venue trolleys and pallet jacks will be available for use subject to availability and are not guaranteed for exhibitor use.  

Carriageworks pack-in and pack-out requirements 

  • You must wear covered shoes.
  • No children or pets are allowed on site.
  • You must provide and wear your own safety hi-vis vests.

Carriageworks will not allow anyone inside the building who is not following the above requirements. 

9) Pack-in & pack-out time slots

  • There are three pack-in slots for exhibitors.
  • Allocation will be managed based on the exhibitor’s requirements and advised prior to the day.
  • Once you arrive at the venue, you will be directed by venue staff to the loading bay. As there will be others packing in, you may be directed to a holding bay.

Pack-in slot one: 

  • 09:00am Gates open for security check
  • 09:15am Induction briefing
  • 09:30am Pack-in commences
  • 10:45am Vehicles begin moving off site 
  • 11:00am All vehicles off site

Pack-in slot two: 

  • 11:00am Gates open for security check
  • 11:15am Induction briefing
  • 11:30am Pack-in commences
  • 12:45pm Vehicles begin moving off site 
  • 01:00pm All vehicles off site

Pack-in slot three: 

  • 01:00pm Gates open for security check
  • 01:15pm Induction briefing
  • 01:30pm Pack-in commences
  • 02:45pm Vehicles begin moving off site 
  • 03:00pm All vehicles off site

Please provide us with your preferred pack-in slot via your Exhibitor Portal. 

Pack-out time:

  • Friday, 8 November (event day): Pack-out on the night will commence once all guests have left the venue—starting at approximately 09:30pm and strictly finishing at 03:00am Saturday, 9 November. 


Limited on-site parking is available at the end of Carriageworks Way. Enter via 229 Wilson Street (map). We highly encourage you to move your vehicle away from the parks surrounding the loading dock area to ensure adequate access for others needing to pack-in/ out. There is also a mixture of timed and all-day on-street parking within the radius of the venue.
  • If you are not arriving by private vehicle, we recommend you utilise the following public transport options:
    • Bus: routes 422, 423, 426, 428, 370, 352 stop on City Road at Codrington Street, a five minute walk from Carriageworks.
    • Train: Walk eight minutes from Redfern Station, ten minutes from Macdonaldtown Station or 15 minutes from Newtown Station.
    • Bike: There are bike lanes on nearby streets and bike racks within the Carriageworks precinct.
    • Ride-share: Enter via 229 Wilson Street (map)

10) Health, safety and other venue-related protocol

For all detail relating to health and safety, fire egresses, emergencies, waste management and other protocols please read this article.

11) Exhibitor lead scanning app

The exhibitor lead scanning app is designed to capture attendee information such as:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Project type
  • Project location
  • Project status (dreaming, planning, under construction, near completion)
  • Project budget range
  • Whether they have already engaged with an architect
  • Reason for attending
  • Your own notes on the people you speak with


  1. We will send download instructions ahead of the event. Please download the app and log in before the event.
  2. When you are speaking to a potential lead, scan the QR code on the attendee's lanyard to collect their details. 
  3. You will be able to download details of anyone you have scanned at the end of the event.
Full instructions and training will be provided to all exhibitors before the event.  

12) Goodie Bags & Prizes

Goodie Bags

We will provide 300 goodie bags to homeowners (one per project) in which you are welcome to supply one of the following:

  • Product sample
  • Any small branded items (for example, a branded screwdriver, branded bottle opener, other branded gift)
  • (Discount) single page flyer/pamphlet
  • Brochures on USB

No paper brochures, booklets, notebooks or catalogues will be permitted as they will make the bags too heavy.

Please inform us of the item you would like to add to the goodie bags, in your exhibitor portal , before producing it so that we can ensure there are not two of the same items. 

Goodie bag items must be provided to ArchiPro event staff at 01:00pm Friday 8 November in time for packing.


if you wish to contribute a prize for the event, please review the criteria below and email the details to Peter Maddison, our guest speaker, will announce the prizes during the evening:

Exhibitor Name:

Prize Title:

Contact Person:


Prize Description: Describe the prize being offered. Include details such as its value, features, and any conditions or restrictions that apply (Maximum 100 words).

Clarity for Participants: Expiry dates provide clear expectations for participants regarding when they can expect to use or claim their prize. This prevents misunderstandings or disappointment if a prize becomes unavailable after a certain period.

Logistical Considerations: Details such as how the prize will be delivered or collected, any geographic restrictions, and documentation requirements ensure that logistical arrangements can be made smoothly once a winner is selected.

Image of prize:

Examples of past event prizes:

ABI Interiors: $1000 ABI Interiors gift voucher to elevate your next project 

Niveau Construction: two signature chase ledge loungers with an ice bin

For any questions please check the FAQ page here or contact the ArchiPro Events team on