Self-Publishing Projects and Articles

Did you know that you can publish Projects and Articles without waiting for approval?

Following feedback from our clients, you can now self-publish your projects and articles to your business profile without waiting for approval from our Platform Support team. 

When self-publishing it is important that your projects and articles meet ArchiPro’s standards, as they may not be approved to appear on the directories or set as unpublished on your profile if content is unsuitable.

Do's and Don'ts

Here are a few ways to help have your project or article approved. 


Don't upload low resolution or blurry imagery.

Do upload high resolution, well-lit imagery. See our Image Guidelines


Don't leave out photo credits on imagery. 

Do credit photographers or owners of imagery. See how here


Don't overlook the importance of written content. 

Do have a strong title and a thorough description for projects. Make sure that your content is well-written and proofed. 


Take a read of some more articles you may find helpful:

Creating and Editing Articles
Creating and Editing Projects
Requirements for a Project